THAMES friends (Tf) have been collaborating with a number of partners to raise funds during 2014/15.
The Canary Wharf Group continue to support us. They donated £1,000 in December 2014. More recently THAMES friends Trustees submitted another application for funding in respect of either:-
(a) “Music Master Classes” aimed at more advanced musicians who play instruments aligning to those played at SMC. The classes will address technical issues and focus on individual the musician, covering every performance detail of a particular piece. The students would improve their: • Overall level of musical performance• Interpretation of a piece and communication of that interpretation• Articulation• Dynamics • Breathing • Confidence• Happiness etc; or
(b) “Music Clinics” which provide targeted teaching for a small group in the format of a “surgery” that will identify and correct technical issues, with a view to improving • Reading music • Bow hold for string players • Embouchure for wind players• Stick hold for percussionists• Breathing technique• Posture• Accuracy of rhythm• Improved intonation.
THAMES friends’ Trustees in conjunction with one of our SMC parents submitted an application to John Lewis partnership’s Music matters initiative and were successful in being pledged £1,250, a significant donation which will be presented by John Lewis in the coming months and will be used to enable the THYO residential course to take place from 10–13 September at Leiston Abbey House, Suffolk by fully funding the transport costs of the attendees.
Tf have also received a very kind anonymous donation via the donor’s publishing house for which we are very grateful.
SMC parents and friends have been using when doing their online shopping and this is producing a steady income flow which Tf are able to apply to the various initiatives in the pipeline for the immediate future.
A regular source of funds continues to derive from both the tuck shop and from the concerts, we thank all who volunteer each week on tuck shop and front desk duties and all those who volunteer and contribute to the concerts in particular Celia Evans who provides the cakes which result in enormous anticipation and queues! These funds have enabled THAMES friends Trustees to contribute a further £1,750 towards the THYO residential course in addition to the £1,500 mentioned above.
We thank you all for your fund raising efforts.