THAMES’ friends is a charity that raises funds to support young musicians in Tower Hamlets. We work closely with THAMES, the Tower Hamlets Arts and Music Education Service, and the Saturday Music Centre run by THAMES. We support events, projects and activities that run in conjunction with the THAMES SMC activities…. and beyond.
The members of the charity are predominantly the parents and carers of the 200+ young people who attend the Saturday Music Centre each weekend, and perform in the regular SMC concerts and take part in musical activities, events and tours.
THAMES’ friends is run by a management committee of trustees who help each week at the SMC (for instance by running the tuck shop!) and also raise funds for selected projects and activities that add to and enrich the excellent core work of THAMES.
THAMES’ friends is registered with the Charity Commission – number 1151465. The charitable objects of THAMES friends are:
- To advance the education of the pupils at THAMES Saturday Music Centre by assisting in the provision of resources and facilities for music education at the school.
- To provide opportunities for children for music education across the borough of Tower Hamlets.
The full constitution of THAMES friends is available, as is the definition of membership.
If you’d like to find out more about any aspect of THAMES’ friends of contact the committee go to here or use the form below.